A guide of items you should pack in your bag as a bottom.
- Daily Medications (Inhalers, insulin, etc)
- Water
- Snacks (sugar + protein)
- Your insurance information and emergency contact written down for your top
Generally Recommended
- Pain Meds
- Gear to get tied in (Wireless bra/compression shorts/ leggings)
- Cover up (sweater, onesie, robe) or change of clothes
- Your own sex toys (Vibrators, gags etc)
- Ear plugs (clubs can be noisy)
Hygiene / Toiletry Supplies
- Deodorant
- Breath mints/ gum/floss etc
- Chapstick
- pads/tampons
- Finger nail clippers
- First Aid Kit
- Hand sanitizer
- Safer sex supplies (gloves, lube, condoms etc)
- Your own crotch rope (or change of underwear)
After Care Supplies
- Blanket or Stuffy
- headphones/music
Suggested for Classes
- Drop cloth/yoga mat to lay on
- Pen and BDSM notebook
- Caffeine pills (if skipping coffee)
Random Recommendations
- Flashlight
- Cutting tool
- Duct tape
- Pasties
- A squeaky toy or other nonverbal safe sign